This is Jose and Fabiana in Quepos (Manual Antonio). I am living with them in Cartago for the month of December and will be spending Christmas with them. They are long time friends of Josiah and Cynthia and also of many people from Northside as they have been apart of many of the Mission's trips to Costa Rica. Jose works in construction and has been a vital part of the men's teams in Ocotber for the last few years. Fabi acts as translator and has been a great help in cooking for the team as well. The are planning to come to visit Vancouver in late January so please keep your eyes out for them at Church.
They have also volunteered their time and help in preparing for the team coming down on December 30th. This team will include Ginny Sperling, Cliff Kelly, Sandra Wyant, and Lynn Brown. Currently Jose, Fabi and I are arragning accomodation and scouting out a few areas to find children who are unable to afford to go to school. This program will be run thru Northside and sponsors will be given the names and photos of the children they are sponsoring. The children will be provided with supplies like uniforms, backpacks, notebooks, pencils etc.
Once the team arrives, we (Jose, Fabi and myself) will work with the team to interview possible students and visit their homes as well as purchasing the supplies needed and distrubuting them.
If you would like more information about this trip, please feel free to contact the church directly. (001) 604.942.7711