Well today was Tamal making day.
I joined Dona Miriam (Jose's mom, wearing the cream shirt) and her friend 'Tita'. After they prepared the ingrediants all day yesterday & early in the

morning today, we began to assemble the tamales at 9:30 and finished 3:30 this afternoon.
Tamales are the official Navidad (Christmas) food and every family has slightly different recipe

and method of preparin

g them. Every fiesta for Navidad has tamales and it is a favorite of everyone that I have met. It starts with a paste made of (maiz)meal, the broth from cooking the pork, salt (sal) and a little sugar(azucar). It is similar consistency to pancake batter. The ingrediants we used were pork (cerdo), rice with orange coloring (arroz con achote) carrots (zanahoria), red pepper (chile dulce), 3 garbanzo beans & 3 raisins (pasas) which are the folded into 2 different banana leafs (hojas de banano). The first picture of the actual tamal is the normal version but the second one which is large (grande) is called a 'tonto' (which acutally means foolish). The final step is tying two talmales together which is called a Pina (which means cluster - and also pineapple). After boiling for 2 hours, they are served hot and will keep in the fridge for up to 6 months. Total we made 188 tamales or 94 Pinas & 2 Tontos. Whew!
That sounds like a lot of work!! You look so good Lana!! I love reading about all the awesome stuff you are doing!
Lana, I love your blog updates - all the information and the great photos of the people with whom you are spending time.
I'm sure you enjoyed being a part of the tamale making team. What a fun activity.
Really, really miss you but am so glad you are doing what your heart told you to. Love you.
Aunty A
Love you blog updates - all the information and the great photos of the people with whom you are spending time.
I'm sure you enjoyed being a part of the tamale making team. What a great experience!
Really, really miss you but am so glad you are doing what your heart told you to.
Love you.
Aunty A
It is so fun reading and seeing the reality of your life in Costa Rica! Keep the updates coming. We love you and miss you tons!
love T
It is so good to see you looking so happy, Lana! Enjoy each experience that comes your way. You are making memories to last your life time!
Love you and miss you and praying for you constantly,
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