Christmas Decorating

It seems strange to be decorating a Christmas tree in Costa Rica. But it has been made a little easier by the coldness of the weather here. It gets down to 14 degrees at night and with ceramic floors, cement walls and no heat. Well, it feels really cold to me now that I've adjusted to the warmth here. But I hear I can't complain ,with all the stories coming from Vancouver with 1.5 feet of snow and power outages!!
Here is our "pequenito" Chrsitmas tree; it's normally Pequeno but you make it more Costa Rican and cuter by adding the "ito" to any word. We had to add some Canadian snow to the door...I am very impressed with all the Christmas decorations and lights in the neighborhood and I am really looking forward to learning another Costa Rican Christmas tradition. On Wednesday, we will be making Tomales. Tomales are huge in the Costa Rican culture and you can sample them at every event from the beginning of December until Christmas. I will have lots of pictures for you since this is almost a two day event to make the Tomales. stay tuned....
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