Lewie & Linda Richey are FMI Missionaries and the Field Supervisors in Costa Rica. Both of them travel extensively around Latin America. Linda has a ministry directly to the children called Tia Linda Ministeries.

Bill & Debbie Boling are Missionary Associates in Quepos, on the Pacific Coast.
(they worked hard cooking and arranging for the first annual Missionary retreat in Quepos last weekend.)

Nathan & Kathy Heatherly are Missionary Associates to the Limon Province. Their family including their four children (Caleb, Alicia, Josiah and Krister) have just moved to Cartago become the Chirldren's pastors at the church where Cynthia's dad is pastor.

John & Debbie Overholt are from Vancouver Island and just arrived in Costa Rica two weeks ago. In January, they will begin a 8 month intense program learning Spanish and then they are moving to Liberia, the area near Nicoya, in the north of the country.
Missionary Interns include Josiah and Cynthia Hubbard who are ministering to the Cabecar Indians, Wyce Ghiacy who is working with Tia Linda Ministeries and then myself, helping Josiah and Cynthia.
Please check out the Missionaries section of FMI (of the International Church of the Foursqaure Gospel- ICFG) at:
http://fmi.foursquare.org/ or Foursquare Canada at: