Team Canada
Northside Foursquare Church began a new program in Costa Rica this year. This program is designed to help some of the poorest children in Costa Rica. Each child was given a new backpack and school supplies as well as new uniforms including pants, shirts, shoes, socks and belts for the boys. Our focus was on the town of Turrialba and it's surrounding communities. we also spent two days in the province of Limon which is one of the poorest areas in all of Costa Rica.
The team consisted of 4 people from Northside (Ginny Sperling, Sandra Wyant, Cliff Kelly, and Lynn Brown) and many,many people who worked with us from Costa Rica. These included Jose and Fabi Masis (Fabi did most of the translating) and Pastors Mauricio and Marjorie Lopez from Turrialba. As well as Jorge, another translator who worked with us some days and Josh Ellingson from Northside who spent a few days with us before heading out to Jicotea to work in construction with Josiah.
Nathan and Kathy Heatherly and their family, FMI Missionaries to the Limon Province joined our team so we could reach the children of Limon.

From top left: Jose, Fabi, Kathy H, Alicia H, Lynn, me, Caleb H, Ginny, Kristor H, Cliff Kelly, Josiah H, Sandra, Josh, Nathan H.

From Left: Ginny, Lynn, Marjorie, Sandra, Jorge, Cliff, Pastor Mauricio.
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