Hike to Yoldi
Cynthia & I -starting out


Here we are hiking to Yoldi (Noe, AnaMaria & Rolias' house). Yoldi is about 4 hours walk from our house but we parked our car in Bereh (closer in) and hiked a little less than 2 hours to their home.
After struggling with my Asthma on the same hike, one and a half years ago, it was a miracle when I had no trouble at all this time. We did have a few rest stops for water and some extra help with our luggage by their mule and horse but no struggle with my asthma.
It was after my trip a yer and a half ago, that I decided I could move to Costa Rica. It was an absolute miracle when I finally made it to the top. It was a that moment that I knew that I would be able to move here and that God would take care of everything for me.
So this year when I had problems with my asthma only one week before we were to go on the hike, I was very afraid that the same thing was going to happen again on this hike. But the following night, after my asthma attack in Jicotea, the LA team came to visit us. Mayra spoke about nearly dying from Asthma...I quickly knew that I needed to pay close attention to what she was saying. She had been healed by God one night when she cried out for help after she thought she was going to live. Wonderfully she was healed and she stopped taking her medication. I spoke with her about my upcoming trip and my fears and she prayed for me and the following day, I thru away my medication. I didn't even take an inhaler with me on the hike. All I can say is Thank God for my healing!
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